Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, the people of St. Francis welcome you just as you are.

Mark your calendars

Rise Against Hunger

June 2, 3pm - 5pm

VBS--Splash Canyon! - register now!

June 24-27, 9am-12pm


Church-wide Mission week!

July 22-26

Ministry Highlights

Our goal is to pack 20,000 meals! Sign up to pack/donate (costs us $0.40/meal)Questions, contact Kim @ 58kimmm@gmail.com
All who plan to attend your event should register using this event page:http://events.riseagainsthunger.org/StFrancisUMCCLT2024

Happening Now

Join us in-person or online for our current sermon series!

Sundays at 10:10am

Children’s Ministries

Youth Ministries

Adult Ministries

Visit Us

4200 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270

Sunday Worship at 10:10am